Samsung Mobile Phone B5310 CorbyPRO Full QWERTY keyboard

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Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO Mobile Phone with Touch Screen, Full QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth

Samsung Mobile Phone B5310 CorbyPRO Full QWERTY keyboard. Samsung B5310 is a full-touch handset with QWERTY Keyboard that places you at the center of the social media revolution with a wide range of social networking supports, such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Corby B5310 aims to stand out from the crowd with its pop-style contours and curved edge design. Finally, being all thumbs is a good thing. Give those two big, bad digits a good workout and improve your mobile typing skills with fun, addictive QWERTY training games. Faster and more fun than solitaire, these games have a true sense of purpose ? making you the fastest texter in your friend circle!

Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO Mobile Phone with Touch Screen, Full QWERTY keyboard, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth
(+) Touch Screen with Good Display Screen, Have QWERTY Keypad, Hmmm i can browse internet every where with WI-FI,
(+) Have 3 Megapixel Camera
(-) No HSDPA or 3G Mobile, just EDGE and GPRS.

Buy Samsung Mobile Phone B5310 CorbyPRO at Amazon with special Price ($139.99)

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